Now don't get your panties in a twist, I did not get rid of Smelly and Mo. We all know I could never give up the devils, no matter how many things they destroy.
You may be wondering what happened to them? You may not care, either way, we moved into a new place and Smelly and Mo are finally feeling settled enough to start sharing their stories with the world again.
Life in the new place has been pretty calm. Aside from the occasional mishap, like when Penny thought she could catch a pigeon through the window and I woke up to her dangling by her legs from my bedroom blinds. Or when I woke up to the sound of something being eaten in my room, unsure of what it might be I jump out of bed, turn on the light only to find that Lola has managed to find and inhale my favorite pair of underwear (well at least half of them). Then there's times like this, where the kids insist on being in the bathroom with me when I shower. This particular morning Penny decided she was bored and then she ran away from the picture and left Mo to look like the bad kitty (notice the toilet paper roll)

Either way, Penny and Lola are doing well. They have a deck they love to spend time on, a new couch they are scratching and plenty of cords to chew on. They plan to be back in full evil force by winter.
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