I got this great email today from Jenica... any animal lover has got to like this. I personally like the ones that look just like Smelly and Mo. :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Quiet Days
Well Smelly and Mo have been oddly good lately. Minus the usual mishaps, chewing, scratching, making noise, otherwise they haven't destroyed much. However, every time I do come home the speaker cover is knocked off the speakers from the television. It makes me wonder what they're doing? Or maybe there's another critter hiding? I think they're just scratching away, I mean what else do you do all day as a cat?
However, I have acquired some new pet products which I will be reviewing here on my blog that I'm very excited about. Keep an eye out to hear about Pet Safe Tile and Tub Cleaner, All Purpose Cleaner, a waterless bath foam (oh they love that! -NOT) and an amazing hair brush I got them from Costco! It's all coming up... soon!
For now, I'm enjoying the calm days.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Smelly Hides From the Landlord
Things have been rather mellow around here the last few days. Maybe the cats are still tired from the mouse hunt, which is over, no thanks to Smelly and Mo. But I mean lets be honest, they're trained terror kitties and snugglers, not trained mouse hunters.
So today Smelly embarked on an experimental journey where she was stuck in my car for 5 hours. I know it sounds like animal abuse but it wasn't. The windows were cracked and she had food, water and even a kitty litter box. She spent the afternoon sunbathing on the seat. While Smelly came to work, Mo stayed home and played "good kitty" with the landlord as she did her annual "walkthrough." I had to take Penny in the car because Lola gets a case of the drools when she's in the car, it's rather sad. But Smelly did great, she hung out, no complaints just a "meow" whenever I went to check on her. Now everyone is back home and ready to go to bed. I hope all this calmness isn't a sign of them growing up and taming down their evil ways. That'd be no fun.
In the meantime here's a little video of Smelly and Mo's first time ever in my car...
Friday, March 19, 2010
An Exhausting Mouse Hunt
Every morning as soon as I get up and head to the bathroom, Smelly and Mo are the first ones there to greet me. They sit in the bathroom while I shower, I'm not really sure why, because they're weirdos probably. Anyhoo, so the other day I opened the door and no one came running. This scares me when it happens because that means someone is either locked in somewhere or has managed to get away. So I take a stroll into the kitchen and find the fuzz balls staring intently at the bottom of the stove. They're not moving for anything.
A thought crossed my mind, something of "oh man there's something down there" but I didn't want to think about it. After a long day at work I came home and things seemed to be back to normal. I went to bed around 11 and heard the cats running frantically around the house, I figured they were chasing one of their balls. About a half hour later I was feeling like a snack so I head into the kitchen and there they are staring intently at what I now see is A MOUSE! eeeekkkkkk. And so the mouse hunt begins...
There he was. That little critter. Scared out of his poor mousey guts. The mouse, the cats and I played a small game of curiosity for about a half hour. I don't think Smelly and Mo are natural born mouse hunters, but they were giving it their best shot. After much staring and leaping and going back and forth the mouse finally made a break for the laundry room and safely arrived at his destination, little sneaky critter!
Smelly, Mo and I went to bed.
The next day mouse traps were out all day and night, but no such luck. This time the cats are staring intently at the dishwasher... the mouse was back! The cats spent the next day staring, once again, and so we put down the traps again this time with peanut butter.
Smelly, Mo and I went to bed.
This morning I wake up, once again to no kitties sprinting down the hall. I walk into the kitchen and there they are, staring intently. The peanut butter is gone, but NO MOUSE! It reminds me of that really horrible mouse hunt movie where the mouse is smarter than the humans. I'm starting to feel like this. So after a long day at work I came home and can only believe that Smelly and Mo had a long day of staring... they have yet to learn that looks really don't kill.
Either way, the poor fluff balls are exhausted... and still haven't caught the mouse
They just took off running into the kitchen... maybe the hunt is finally over... stay tuned!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
FLASHBACK: Smelly Gets Knocked Up
So whenever the cats take a break from destroying things, which trust me won't happen very often, I'm going to feature FLASHBACKS! These will be adventures from kitty past worth mentioning...
Tonight's FLASHBACK: Smelly Gets Knocked Up
There she is, Smelly, shining in all her beautiful kitten glory. What male kitty wouldn't want to be with her? Well apparently Smelly was too beautiful to resist for one specific male kitty in Lake Tahoe. I had been studying abroad and my parents were watching Smelly and Mo for me. They have an outdoor pen so the kids love going to grandma and grandpas house and getting to be outside.
So I get home from Spain and Smelly is nowhere to be found. After many tears and my mom freaking out thinking that she has lost my cat, turns out Smelly had just found her way out of the cage and was sneaking around with mr. black kitty in the backyard. I watched her one day. She sat on her rock, looking out into the infinite abyss, or really just into the woods and there he came right up to the cage. I'm sure the kitty meows exchanged were something along the lines of "hey pretty lady wanna head into the woods," Smelly (only 9 months old at the time) was probably like "sure you large handsome feline." The rest is history!
Next thing I know Penny is acting weird and having some bodily changes I won't express here. A little google search left me pretty positive that Smelly had done the dirty and she had some buns in the oven!
From here it was just a waiting game. No one was really sure when she got pregnant and it was kinda cool and gross when you could feel the babies moving around in her tummy. I had read that you are supposed to set up "nesting" areas around the house where the cat feels safe and so that's where she'll have her babies. Four "nesting" areas later, Smelly decided to have her babies in the hallway closet on top my towels and blankets. (Thanks Penny)
If you're wondering how you know when your cat is in labor, trust me YOU KNOW. I've never heard such sounds come out of an animal, kind of like when humans have kids! I'll spare you the details of Smelly's delivery but I will say she was a stud of a mom. She didn't try to kill any of her kids and her pregnancy was quick and fairly painless... well for me, looked like it hurt like hell for her.
So out popped... Kanye, Miloh, and Chunk!
They were adorable! It was hard not to keep them all for myself. I was more than thankful that Smelly only had 3 kittens, pretty rare really. She was a great mom. I would try and move the kittens into one of the "nesting" areas but Smelly was never having it, she'd come right over pick them up and take them back to where they were before.
Chunk was given to my brother and he has grown into a beautiful handsome lion...
This doesn't really express his size... seriously he is a lion...
How the hell Penny produced this guy I'll never know. But the point is, not only is Smelly the pretty one but her beautifulness led to her sluttiness. Moral of the story is... Keep large male Felines away from underage kitties.
P.S. Penny must know I was talking smack about her sexual ways because she just came up and sat right on top of the computer... Go ahead Penny this is your world anyway
P.S.S. Miloh and Kanye were both given to close friends and Miloh has been renamed Lua and Kanye has been renamed Kenya. From my understanding they are both doing fabulous
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Smelly and Mo Eat Too Much
So I suspected it would be at least 48 hours before I had an adventure to share but looks like the devils have proved me wrong!

First off, let me just say that Penny Lane and Lola's names have changed. It was a natural process that has happened over the last three years. Yes their respective names are "Penny Lane" and "Lola." But I always call Penny Lane "Smelly" and Lola "Mo." There's reasons for this that aren't interesting but now you know that this blog is really the life of SMELLY and MO!
Anyway... So Smelly and Mo went on a bit of a mouse hunt last night, more details to come later, so I was relieved to wake up to kitty normalcy. After being at work for about an hour I get a text message from my roommate saying "Oh goody there's cat vomit everywhere for me to clean up." You may be thinking well come on roomy it's not a big deal, but this is the roomy whose laptop had an entire glass of water spilt on it so to say the least she doesn't share my particular love for the fuzz balls.
I'm assuming she started cleaning the vomit as Smelly and Mo looked on pleased with themselves for finally clearing that crap out of their stomach that was making them feel not so good. They were probably secretly laughing inside that she had to clean it up because they feel her hatred towards them. I told her she didn't have to clean it up but she was nice enough to anyway.
A few minutes later I get another text that says "why did you give them lettuce." Lettuce? What? I'm thinking what the hell I didn't feed them lettuce, in fact I didn't even eat anything green in the last 24 hours. So today's mystery is what are Smelly and Mo really doing at home all day? Maybe they've found their way into the fridge and discovered lettuce is their new favorite food? Nah they're not smart enough for that... MAYBE they figured since they can't wear green for St. Patrick's Day they were just going to barf green instead...I'm gonna say they found a couple day old lettuce (quite possibly a week old) on the floor and ate it right up. Cause that's what cats do, or uh that's what dogs do, but who knows what species I have roaming my house these days.

First off, let me just say that Penny Lane and Lola's names have changed. It was a natural process that has happened over the last three years. Yes their respective names are "Penny Lane" and "Lola." But I always call Penny Lane "Smelly" and Lola "Mo." There's reasons for this that aren't interesting but now you know that this blog is really the life of SMELLY and MO!
Anyway... So Smelly and Mo went on a bit of a mouse hunt last night, more details to come later, so I was relieved to wake up to kitty normalcy. After being at work for about an hour I get a text message from my roommate saying "Oh goody there's cat vomit everywhere for me to clean up." You may be thinking well come on roomy it's not a big deal, but this is the roomy whose laptop had an entire glass of water spilt on it so to say the least she doesn't share my particular love for the fuzz balls.
I'm assuming she started cleaning the vomit as Smelly and Mo looked on pleased with themselves for finally clearing that crap out of their stomach that was making them feel not so good. They were probably secretly laughing inside that she had to clean it up because they feel her hatred towards them. I told her she didn't have to clean it up but she was nice enough to anyway.
A few minutes later I get another text that says "why did you give them lettuce." Lettuce? What? I'm thinking what the hell I didn't feed them lettuce, in fact I didn't even eat anything green in the last 24 hours. So today's mystery is what are Smelly and Mo really doing at home all day? Maybe they've found their way into the fridge and discovered lettuce is their new favorite food? Nah they're not smart enough for that... MAYBE they figured since they can't wear green for St. Patrick's Day they were just going to barf green instead...I'm gonna say they found a couple day old lettuce (quite possibly a week old) on the floor and ate it right up. Cause that's what cats do, or uh that's what dogs do, but who knows what species I have roaming my house these days.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Things Destroyed to Date
The only way to start this posting is to catch you up on all the things the cats have ruined. Now lets just be honest, I can't remember EVERYTHING. But here's a list of what I can remember!
Blow up mattress - while wreaking havoc in my parents studio apartment in San Francisco while I lived it up studying abroad in Spain, they popped their "bed" with their nails
Numerous Couches - they love their scratch pads but they also love all furniture.
Electrical Wires - that's right, they love to chew on wires. They've eaten everything from phone chargers, alarm clock wires, computer wires, TV wires and headphones to Christmas tree lights (That was pretty funny)
Bathing Suits - yes you read correctly. They have eaten the strings off of several of mine and my roommates bathing suits.
Bra Straps - this is a bad one. They have one Victoria Secret bra under their belt.
A gift wrapping ribbon - eaten in it's entirety by Lola I thought it for sure was going to kill her.
A computer- they love to knock over water. This time they took it too far by knocking an entire glass of water on my roommates MAC laptop... EEEEKKK.
Socks - they love to eat socks. You know you've become a victim when you feel a small breeze coming through.
Scratch Pad - That's right, they've even destroyed their own toys. They've decided scratching is not enough, they must eat the cardboard now!
Plants - Leaves are just too much for them to handle. They've eaten it all from wheat grass to lilies to basil. They don't discriminate.
Water damage - they've spilt water on everything possible. If there's a glass of water in their vision, you can guarantee it will be knocked over.
Wine Glasses - they apparently don't stop at water they just don't like anything that's standing!
So are you convinced yet they're more like dogs or should I say "puppies" than cats. There's plenty more things they have destroyed but for now we'll start there and see what kind of shenanigans they get into from here!
It all began September 2006
You're about to embark on a humorous adventure into the lives of my cats. They're not your ordinary cats and this blog is not written from their perspective like most "cat blogs" because most of the time I don't know what the hell they're thinking. So here they are...
This is Penny Lane.

This is Lola.
As a kitten of course! I call her the nice one. From the moment she showed up at my door (I knew she was coming) she was the beautiful kitty. My roommate Erin and I had picked out her name before we had even seen her and she was perfect for the classy "Penny Lane" taken from one of the greatest movies Almost Famous.
Need I say when she was a kitten? You may be thinking she looks a little mean. Or you may be thinking she looks exactly like Penny Lane. Both are true. Well Lola showed up with Penny, unexpected. My roommates mom was supposed to take her and then her dad said No way! So we were like sure we'll take two cute little kittens. We didn't have a name for Lola right off the bat, we wanted to see what she was like. After we realized she was a little, pardon my french, b*tch. We decided she was forever going to do what she wants when she wants so we named her "Lola" after the song Whatever Lola wants...Lola gets!
This is ME!
This blog is in honor of Miss Penny Lane and Lola. I consider them my children because not only are they the only form of "children" I have but they act like children everyday. They roam the house as if it were their own, they eat everything they can find, they chase everything they can, they ruin everything they can and they make my life a living hell but I still love them more than anything and talk about them all day long.
So here I will discuss all the things they do, all the things they destroy and the adventures I go through with them. To say the least it will be entertaining and you'll realize, like I have, that they're more like dogs than cats and they definitely keep me on my toes!
P.S. They are now three years old!
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